Moda na bycie fit trwa w najlepsze. Ćwiczą dosłownie wszyscy! Inspiracji możemy szukać nie tylko na Instagramach i Snapach znanych trenerek, ale również gwiazd i blogerek. Słyszałyście już o Kayli Itsnines? To prawdziwa królowa fitness, która podobnie jak Ewa Chodakowska może pochwalić się nie tylko swoimi świetnym efektami, ale także tymi swoich podopiecznych.


Dwudziestodziewięcioletnia Liza Parker jakiś czas temu zamieściła na swoim instagramowym profilu zdjęcie, na którym obchodziła swoją rocznicę z planem treningowym Bikini Body Guides (BBG). Kobieta nie miała pojęcia, że Kayla Itsnines podzieli się jej metamorfozą ze swoją pięciomilionową grupą obserwatorów.

Kiedy dziewczyna zobaczyła, że jej zdjęcie zostało udostępnione na profilu znanej trenerki, pękała z dumy. Po trzech „rundach” dwunastotygodniowego programu jej waga zaczęła wzrastać, jednak zupełnie przestało jej to przeszkadzać. Dlaczego? Spójrzcie tylko na jej pupę!

Dziewczyna udowodniła, że nie tylko spadek wagi może być gwarancją świetnej metamorfozy.

There is no substitute for hard work & dedication! 👊 A new month means a new progress pic 😉 Over a year into the BBG program from @kayla_itsines which also means a full year of booty gains! 😂🍑 One of my goals when starting this program was to build muscle🔸I had lost muscle mass due to excessive cardio & a restrictive diet in the past and knew I couldn’t maintain what I was doing🔸 Flash forward to today and I weigh more. I eat a lot more. I feel confident. I feel comfortable in my own skin. And I feel strong 💪 I’m now halfway through my 5th round of BBG. I have been increasing my weights with each round and have been feeling pretty awesome 🙌 The biggest shift for me has been moving away from the idea that health is the number on the scale. It should be about how you FEEL. Your happiness and wellbeing is far more important in defining your health than a number🔸 So here’s to setting goals and absolutely crushing them! Who’s with me? 😎 ***And a side note since I’ve received some criticism that this photo is edited/photo shopped/fake/or I had surgery on my butt*** This is ALL me. No filter on this one either. I work very hard for my results. The shorts/pose definitely help to accentuate the booty LOL and I have to stand on my sectional to get the shot 😂 Just wanted to keep it real friends and a huge thanks to @kayla_itsines for the feature! I can’t believe it💜💜💜

Zdjęcie zamieszczone przez użytkownika Liza – RN – Canadian 🍁 (@ljadeparker)

Po udostępnieniu zdjęć przez trenerkę Liza zyskała ponad 3000 nowych obserwatorów. Nie zabrakło także hejterów, którzy zarzucali jej, że jej pupa nie jest prawdziwa oraz że dziewczyna obrabia swoje zdjęcia w Photoshopie.

My #transformationtuesday is less about physical change & much more about emotional change. When I decided to change my #fitness routine and start #bbg from @kayla_itsines 3 months ago I was not overweight however I was not exactly healthy. I was exercising excessively (mostly all cardio) not eating enough, was tired all the time, moody, and had a very negative perception of myself. In reflecting on these past 12 weeks I’ve really realized how far I’ve come. I now have a healthier relationship with food, am a lot happier, have more energy, do not weigh myself every single day and feel (for the first time in my adult life) that I am #strong & well on my way to being #fit! 😊 I plan to continue on with bbg 2.0, will be posting lots of food pics still but will also share some #progress pics along the way! Thanks for all the #motivation & support everyone 💜 #fitfam #healthy #nofilter #fitnessjourney

Zdjęcie zamieszczone przez użytkownika Liza – RN – Canadian 🍁 (@ljadeparker)

Four rounds of BBG done! 👊 Went out and bought some fancy purple shorts to celebrate🎉 Have really learned to love and embrace my body as it continues to change (really not complaining about the booty gains either 🙊🍑) Will be starting another round of BBG 2.0 since I am still really loving this program from @kayla_itsines! Took a few much needed rest days this week to allow myself to reset. I like to do this after each 12 week round to refocus both mentally & physically. The goal for this round is to focus on building more upper body strength, increase my weights, and to make sure I get all my rehab sessions in 💪 Less than 4 weeks and I will be done 1 year of BBG! 🙌

Zdjęcie zamieszczone przez użytkownika Liza – RN – Canadian 🍁 (@ljadeparker)

Dziewczyna chcąc zamknąć usta hejterom zamieściła na Instagramie filmik, w którym zaprezentowała swoją pupę z każdej strony. To nie Photoshop stoi za jego wyglądem, a wyłącznie ciężka praca.

ZOBACZ: 5 ćwiczeń, które podniosą twoje pośladki!

So here’s me making a fool of myself in my kitchen! 😂 But I wanted to have some real talk with all of you and thought it would lighten the mood ✌ I woke up yesterday to @kayla_itsines featuring my BBG progress pic. I couldn’t believe it! I was pretty jacked! Then the Internet trolling started🔸 It shouldn’t have bothered me, but it did. I was accused of „getting surgery” to achieve my figure and that I had „photo shopped” my picture. Both completely FALSE. There was a lot more said. Some of which were absolutely hurtful & terrible🔸 I have seen these comments on other progress pictures Kayla has shared and I just don’t understand it. As someone who is very open on social media I understand that everyone is entitled to their opinion and I’ve dealt with negative comments in the past. However I’m never okay with body shaming or trying to discredit the hard work someone has put in🔸On social media we usually share the best of the best. We find the best light, the best angle, and quite often the best filter and it may not accurately portray what that person looks like every day. I was feeling pretty good the day I took my booty progress pic 🍑 I put on my fav shorts, found some good light and posed in a way that I felt accentuated the gains I had made. I didn’t think I would ever be attacked for it 🔸For me it has always been about the strength and confidence I have built in addition to the physical gains. I know I shouldn’t let comments from people who don’t know me get to me but I felt I needed to stand up for myself. This is ALL me. And I love this program. And it works! I love all of you for being so supportive always ❤ Stay classy fit fam! 😉

Film zamieszczony przez użytkownika Liza – RN – Canadian 🍁 (@ljadeparker)

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