Chyba nie ma kobiety, która nie kojarzyłaby tego uczucia – po posiłku płaski brzuch zaczyna nabierać iście ciażowych kształtów i wymiarów… Sytuacja taka może mieć miejsce zarówno w przypadku osób o nieco pełniejszych kształtach, jak i bardzo szczupłych – choć czasem ciężko w to uwierzyć.

ZOBACZ TEŻ: Ćwiczenia fizyczne pomagają walczyć z depresją!

Lekkie tabu związane właśnie z tą częścią ludzkiej natury przełamała ostatnio Emily Skye, internetowa guru fitnessu. Trenerka mogąca pochwalić się na co dzień perfekcyjną figurą, podbiła Internet zdjęciem, którym podzieliła się ze swoimi fanami na Facebooku.

Tym razem nie przedstawiało ono niesamowitych efektów ćwiczeń… Było za to zestawieniem dwóch fotek wykonanych tego samego dnia. Pomijając to, że różnią się one strojem, który ma na sobie Emily, sprawiają wrażenie, jakby przedstawiały zupełnie dwie inne osoby i nie jest to kwestia makijażu…

ZOBACZ TEŻ: Pochwaliła się nieidealnym brzuchem

W oczy od razu rzuca się pora różnica w obwodzie pasa trenerki. Właśnie taki efekt daje u niej bardziej obfity, mniej zdrowy posiłek, różniący się od standardowej diety.

Emily postanowiła pokazać swoim fankom, że po pierwsze, nie zawsze przestrzega dietowego reżimu, po drugie, podobny efekt może przytrafić się choćby najbardziej wysportowanej osobie.

Dobra lekcja akceptacji siebie? check out what happens to me when I eat foods that my body doesn’t like! These pics…

Posted by Emily Skye on 18 sierpnia 2015

I have the nuttiest boyfriend @recdedmond 😂😝 Perfect match for me! ☺️ #mymondaymugshot #venicebeach #venice #emilyskyefit #emilyskye

Zdjęcie zamieszczone przez użytkownika E m i l y S k y e (@emilyskyefit)

A question I get asked quite a bit is „how do you keep yourself motivated?” As most of you probably already know, before I started getting fit and healthy I was unhealthy, unfit, insecure and depressed. When I first started exercising and eating healthy I felt amazing and better than ever! I loved how my body felt and I loved even more how my mind felt! I felt set free from who I used to be, light, energetic, positive and happy and I was finally happy with my body from a superficial perspective. Because I know what it feels like to be so incredibly unhappy and unhealthy and I know how great I feel now I don’t ever want to go back to how I was before. So THAT is what keeps me motivated the most. I am inlove with my healthy, active and positive lifestyle and whenever I feel unmotivated I remind myself why I started and how wonderful it makes me feel and I keep going. It’s important to remember also that it’s all about balance. If I want to have a treat I have it and if I feel like I need a rest and not train I do it – I listen to my body and try to give it what it needs. A healthy lifestyle is all about BALANCE and having a healthy body and mind! 😊👍🏼 . X Em. . 👙 @megliz.swim #emilyskye #emilyskyefit #makeachange #fitfam

Zdjęcie zamieszczone przez użytkownika E m i l y S k y e (@emilyskyefit)

Receive 5O% off my FIT program + freebees by clicking the link in my profile!👍🏼 . How friggin good are trackies?! This might sound odd but I actually feel MORE confident in my track suit rather than being dressed up. It’s not that I feel insecure in a dress or anything like that, it’s more that I feel like I’m just being me and not trying to prove anything to anyone, and I just feel comfortable when I’m daggy. Anyway a more important topic I wanted to talk about… I was talking to someone recently about how I used to be extremely insecure with myself – my personality, my intelligence, how I look – my whole life and they couldn’t believe that I was ever insecure. I remembered back to the way I used to feel about myself and I really hated myself and my life, and in hindsight it’s easy for me now to say I was being silly and my worries were petty or that I didn’t appreciate things but at the time it was real and was destroying my life. Telling someone they shouldn’t have insecurities or feel down because others have it worse is like telling someone they shouldn’t be happy because other people have it better! Everyone is different and we all have different insecurities, it doesn’t make it any less real to the individual. I don’t believe anyone should tell someone they have no right to feel a certain way. We all have valid insecurities and we should support, encourage and try to have understanding and compassion for others. Tearing people down will never make you any happier. . . @emilyskyefitness . #emilyskye #emilyskyefit #makeachange #liveforyou #beyourbest #abs #fitspo #fitfam #trackies

Zdjęcie zamieszczone przez użytkownika E m i l y S k y e (@emilyskyefit)

💚My FIT Program is 5O% off plus you get freebies if you join now! – Click the link in my profile! ~ . If you want something bad enough you have to commit yourself to it 100% and prepare to succeed from the beginning such as planning what you’re going to eat and when you’re going to exercise. If you really want to make positive changes in your life you can’t half do it. You have to have some skin in the game and really make the commitment. I’m a classic case of somebody who used to half do everything. Up until a few years ago I don’t think there was a single thing I saw through from start to finish. Until I made some drastic changes in my own life I was wandering around aimlessly without any goals or direction. The life we live these days has become so busy that our own health and happiness is usually the first thing that gets sacrificed. I totally understand that sometimes people slip up and cheat. If this is the case it’s important to know not the end of the world and you should let go of feeling guilty and get straight back on track. It’s makes no sense to go backwards if you’re trying to move forward. If you got a scratch on your sunglasses you wouldn’t throw them on the ground and step on them. A slip up is not a disaster. You shouldn’t dwell on it and punish yourself! Pick yourself up every time you slip up or fail and get straight back to it. This is your dream remember!! 👍🏼☺️ . #emilyskye #emilyskyefit #makeachange

Zdjęcie zamieszczone przez użytkownika E m i l y S k y e (@emilyskyefit)