Na Instagramie aż roi się od zestawień fotek przedstawiających wielkie metamorfozy. Każda z Was zapewne zdążyła się z nimi zetknąć. Schemat najczęściej jest tu podobny – z jednej strony pojawia się zdjęcie, na którym bohater/bohaterka nie mogą pochwalić się niesamowicie wytrenowany ciałem, z drugiej po wielkiej przemianie.

Nie byłoby w tym nic złego i w sporej części przypadków nie ma, jak długo zdjęcia przedstawiają rzeczywistość i nie są efektem manipulacji. Znaczna część odbiorców nie ma pojęcia o tym, jak łatwo udawać metamorfozę w tym stylu. Na szczęście znalazło się także grono kobiet, trenerek fitness, które postanowiły odkłamać nieco rzeczywistość i pokazać światu, jak niewiele wspólnego z rzeczywistością potrafią mieć zdjęcia zamieszczane w sieci.

Podobny cel obrała sobie także Milly Smith. Ta młoda mama i studentka pielęgniarstwa przy pomocy dosłownie kilku zdjęć w perfekcyjny sposób pokazała, jak łatwo przekłamać rzeczywistość. Nic dziwnego, że jej instagramowy profil, na którym promuje zdrowe podejście do swojego wyglądu i samoakceptację zdobył taką popularność!

Ostatnio prawdziwy hitem w jej wykonaniu stała się metamorfoza… Niesamowity efekt, który przedstawiła na fotkach, osiągnęła przy pomocy… rajstop, w zaledwie kilka sekund.

ZOBACZ TEŻ: Alexa Jean Brown miała być kolejną fit mamą bez pociążowego brzuszka, ALE…

To się nazywa samoakceptacja…

Milly stara się uczyć jej swoich fanów. Nie ukrywa swoich niedoskonałości, robi z nich za to atut. Pokazuje, że są zupełnie normalne! Instagramowy profil, który prowadzi młoda mama niesie za sobą także przesłanie dotyczące porównywania się młodych kobiet do zdjęć, które widzą w Internecie. Fotki Milly są chyba najlepszym dowodem na to, jak ostrożnie należy podchodzić do „dowodów” wielkich metamorfoz, ale też zwyczajnych fotek przedstawiających idealne ciała.

Daje do myślenia…

Same girl, same day, same time. 💛 Not a before and after. Not a weight loss transformation. Not a diet company promotion. 💛 I am comfortable with my body in both. Neither is more or less worthy. Neither makes me more or less of a human being. Neither invites degrading comments and neither invites sleezy words. 💛 We are so blinded to what a real unposed body looks like and blinded to what beauty is that people would find me less attractive within a 5 second pose switch! How insanely ridiculous is that!? 💛 I love taking these, it helps my mind so much with body dysmorphia and helps me rationalise my negative thoughts. 💛 Don’t compare, just live for you. There is no one on this planet who’s like you and that’s pretty damn amazing don’t ya think. The world doesn’t need another copy, it needs you. 💛 We are worthy, valid and powerful beyond measure 💙🌟 (If you don’t pull your tights up as high as possible are you really human?)

Zdjęcie zamieszczone przez użytkownika Milly Smith 💛🌻☀️👑 (@selfloveclubb)

Same girl, same body, same place, same time. STOP COMPARING YOURSELF TO POSED PHOTOGRAPHS! STOP COMPARING YOURSELF AT ALL! YOU ARE YOU! Neither pose makes me a better person, neither pose defines my worth. When we can change our bodies this much in a photograph we can see even more so how basing our worth on the way we look or how others look is just insane, fickle and just not ok! Being body positive doesn’t mean loving your body in a certain pose or when you’ve lost a few pounds; it means loving every angle, movement and squish right this very moment!! Wether you lose weight, gain weight, gain muscle, gain fat-ITS OK! Don’t fear change, our bodies will never stay the same and fighting against it won’t help, let your body move through life as it wishes, let it take up as much space as it wants and let it LIVE! Forgetting what we’ve been told all our lives is hard but 'ideals’ come and go and beauty standards change so keeping up with them would be impossible, exhausting and a waste of a life -the one constant is your body, your wonderful vessel that guides you through, show it some care, some love and some respect. You deserve this.

Zdjęcie zamieszczone przez użytkownika Milly Smith 💛🌻☀️👑 (@selfloveclubb)

THIS PHOTO HAS BEEN EDITED ON PURPOSE! 1 minute to do on a free app, my waist is smaller, muscles more defined, arms and thighs smaller and butt bigger. Again highlighting how easy is is to manipulate and change the body at your finger tips in seconds. I’ve had so many of you message me today especially saying how you can’t stop comparing yourself to 'fitness’ pages. I hate them; I’m not saying all of them are the same but we all know the ones im talking about- the ones making aesthetics out to be your life’s goal using the same body type over and over. 'NO EXCUSES YOU LAZY TWAT’… you know the drill. First off, the women on those pages represent a TINY minority of women, beautiful just like the rest of us and their beauty does not take away from yours- there’s such a lack of variation with body types portrayed in fitness . Many of them have starved, restricted and over exercised to get the physique they have in the photo and if photoshopped hasn’t been used often strategic lighting/posing has. Secondly. STOP (hammer time) unfollow the pages if they are a negative source for you. Don’t look at them and instantly feel the pressure drop. Any page that tells you to look a certain way or hat exercise is purely weight lifting for aesthetics can’t be healthy for your mind. I used them as a form of self destruction to punish myself; I can only assume a lot of those pages thrive from insecure men and women. However fake or real the image take a step back and realise you don’t need to look or act like anybody else. You don’t need muscle tone, restriction or unrealistically hard abs to feel worth. Don’t waste your life chasing an image. Don’t wake up one day at 70 and think „I never did look like those women and I wish I’d of made memories and smiles with the time I spent comparing” We are worthy, we are valid and we are powerful beyond measure 💪🏻❤ Ps it’s so super hard and triggering for me to post these. It takes a lot of courage and you guys give me that courage ❤️

Zdjęcie zamieszczone przez użytkownika Milly Smith 💛🌻☀️👑 (@selfloveclubb)

Just a same girl, same day, different pose reminder that our bodies look different in different angles and that it’s perfectly ok, normal and natural. You don’t need to look like anybody else but YOU ❤ 💛 I get asked a lot recently how to start a Bopo insta page as they want confidence. I often come up with nothing because I’m not entirely sure I understand. 💛 Are they asking me how to get started on a journey to self love or just how to start an insta page to get justification that their body is worthy in hope it will bring them self love? 💛 Before I put my photos and words out onto Instagram I started my journey to self love with myself; I mean it’s still a very personal journey but I want to share it now and help others too. I took photos and wrote down love notes to my body without showing them to a soul- it was just for my soul and my mind. 💛 Starting an insta page could help you on your journey of course but your motives are what’s important- know what they are before starting is my advice. Maybe do it off social media first and get a feel for your journey and what works/doesn’t work for you and do it for YOU. Do it for your soul. Your follower count doesn’t matter or make you more or less worthy. 10,000 people telling you your pretty wont bring about self love either. It’s so much more than that and it starts deep inside yourself not with your aesthetics. Bopo isn’t a 'trend’. 💛 It’s not about how many you can impress, you need to be impressing yourself. Make yourself proud.

Zdjęcie zamieszczone przez użytkownika Milly Smith 💛🌻☀️👑 (@selfloveclubb)