Nie trzeba nikogo przekonywać do stwierdzenia, że Internauci bywają bezlitośni. Siedziąc przed komputerem wprost uwielbiają dosadnie komentować czyjeś kształty, czy obrażać bez cienia zachawania. Dziś fala hejtu zalała blogerkę XXL, Callie Thorpe.

Czytaj także: Liris Crosse – nazywają ją Naomi Campbell XXL

Pulchna i bardzo szczęśliwa blogerka została niedawno żoną i na swoim Instagramie ochoczo chwaliła się zdjęciami z podróży poślubnej. Były fałdki, cellulit i dużo uśmiechu.

Niestety nie wszystkim spodobał się fakt, że nie nosząc rozmiaru S ani M można być szczęśliwym.

Ratujmy wieloryby!
Schowaj ten tłuszcz!
Przydałby Ci się jakiś sport, DUŻO sportu…
Twój mąż jest szczupły powinien sobie znaleźć kogoś chudszego!

– brzmiały komentarze.


Jaka była reakcja Callie? Blogerka nie ukrywa, że negatywne komentarze bardzo ją dotykają i trudno jest jej poradzić sobie z hejtem. Przyznaje jednak otwracie, że kocha swoje ciało i co istotne, jej mąż kocha ją właśnie taką jaką jest. Przekaz jest jasny: można być szczęśliwym nawet nosząc rozmiar XXL. Może to boli hejterów najbardziej?

Let live and let love people #LetsMakeAToastTotheGoodLife🥂

Zdjęcie zamieszczone przez użytkownika Callie Thorpe (@calliethorpe)

So yesterday a newspaper wrote a story Online about myself and Dan. 'Blogger bullied for wedding pictures’ I was pretty shocked that my response in addressing some hurtful comments I received has now made into the national media. My first reaction was oh god, will I get more abuse from this? Because that’s a fear you have to live with when you put yourself online with a platform, in fact some of the comments on the articles have said that I should just expect it if I’m going to put myself out there. This makes me sad, I don’t think anyone deserves to receive nasty comments, or be bullied online whether they choose to Be online or not, we need mutual respect for one another, not to tear people down for their differences. One thing I noticed is that the articles lead the readers to believe my honeymoon was ruined… this isn’t true, my reaction to these comments were upon my return to London and although I did actually receive some of those horrible comments during the honeymoon I refused to let it ruin my time with my husband. Does it effect me? Sometimes, yes. Does it hurt? Yes. Will it stop me standing up for what I believe in? No. I don’t like to see people as haters, I *try* and see them as people in a hope that they will see me as person to, because that is all we all are, human beings trying to navigate life. Stumbling along trying to make the best for ourselves. So again love and light to everyone and thank you for your continued support throughout everything to me our community is so strong here and I’m so grateful for it. ❤💕

Zdjęcie zamieszczone przez użytkownika Callie Thorpe (@calliethorpe)

* edit* guys I’m so overwhelmed with all your comments I don’t even know what to say, what a lucky person I am to have an extended set of friends from all over the world, that’s what you feel like to me any way. Over 300 comments, seriously thank you I’ve read every single one of them and when I get some time to sit down and reply I will. Sending the biggest air hugs 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 Okay so real talk time. I’m really struggling with my body image right now, in fact I don’t think I’ve felt this bad about myself since I first started my diet diary blog 5 years ago. I’m flying out on my honeymoon in two weeks time and I had a cry yesterday because everything I tried on didn’t fit well on me and thought of being in a Bikini is stressing me out. I have this huge bruise (from my accident back in June) that I hate and I feel alien to my body right now. I don’t feel comfortable and I don’t know why, it’s so frustrating. It’s also hard when i get feelings of self hatred because I feel a *personal* responsibility to everyone to always be like LOVE YOURSELF and sometimes I can’t muster up the strength to take on board the things I tell you all. So right now I’m on a low, and when I look at this photo of me trying on my wedding dress I see happiness and I’m trying to get that back, I’m really trying to. Forgive me for oversharing, I just had to get it out Love you all. ❤️

Zdjęcie zamieszczone przez użytkownika Callie Thorpe (@calliethorpe)