Prawda – nie ma nic gorszego niż moment, w którym siadamy i na naszym brzuchu pojawiają się fałdki.

Co gorsze – ile byśmy nie ćwiczyły, one nadal tam są.

Anna Victoria, trenerka i założycielka strony Fit Body Guide, kilka dni temu wrzuciła na Instagram swoje zdjęcie, na którym wyraźnie widać fałdki.

Czytaj także: Jak wygląda dieta Anji Rubik?

W ten sposób zwróciła uwagę, że to naturalne zachowanie ludzkiego ciała i nie należy się go wstydzić.

Chcę, żebyście wiedziały, iż fałdki na brzuchu, gdy siedzicie nie są niczym, czego należałoby się wstydzić lub co trzeba nienawidzić.

Ciekawe, czy na podobną fotkę zdecydowałyby się nasze rodzime gwiazdy fitness – Ewa Chodakowska i Anna Lewandowska.

There are two reasons I want to share this with you ladies: one reason is because I want you to know having skin fold over on your stomach when you sit or to have „rolls” is not anything to hate or be ashamed of. The other reason is because while I say this, there have been times where if I ever found myself in front of a mirror where I am sitting and I see my stomach, I automatically think „ew!” because this is what society has conditioned me to think. Your stomach does not have to be perfectly flat to be healthy, your stomach does not have to be perfectly flat for you to love yourself, and your stomach does not have to be perfectly flat to be confident and beautiful and an all around amazing person. As a society, we shouldn’t let physical characteristics set the standard for whether we deserve to love ourselves or not. Everyone deserves to love themselves, however I know that’s easier said than done. What’s amazing to me and what I have witnessed with the fbg girls is most of the time they start learning to love themselves more on their journey not because of the physical changes, but because of the mental and emotional changes that come from dedicating yourself, pushing yourself, and seeing just how strong you really are. (what we call „non-physical progress” and is just as, if not more important than physical progress). That type of strength and beauty can only be seen and felt from within. 💪💗 #fbggirls

Zdjęcie zamieszczone przez użytkownika Anna Victoria (@annavictoria)

One thing people need to know about a journey is that if you are to succeed, the journey will not go up in a straight line. That line you will be walking will be going alllll over the place – up, down, to the left, make a u-turn, reverse, stop even. People think that in order to be successful (in anything in life, really) you can’t mess up. That is the most tragic misunderstanding of all because it keeps people from achieving their dreams. Where they think they are failures, they are in fact just learning, and just human. To grow and learn, you HAVE to stumble. To realize just how badly you want something, you HAVE to hit rock bottom. The strongest people have fought the biggest battles. Whether it’s with themselves, their circumstances, their family or friends even. Remember what you are fighting for and don’t let anything get in your way. When you do struggle, take a moment to look at the bigger picture, struggles are meant to teach us something. The next time you have a bad day and think about giving up, just remember you are still learning, improving, growing, which is a beautiful thing 😊 a journey doesn’t have to be perfect to be successful, so never be ashamed of your struggle. ❤ #fbggirls

Zdjęcie zamieszczone przez użytkownika Anna Victoria (@annavictoria)